
From “Made in China” to “Created in China”
Source: Date:2021年10月18日

Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”

  1. Innovation system improvement

  The Company formulated and issued the Interim Administrative Measures for Specialized R&D Centers (《专业研发中心管理暂行办法》)and the Administrative Measures for the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements (《科技成果转化管理办法》). It put forward policy recommendations for the construction of national, provincial and ministerial- and company-level R&D platforms. The Company added supplementary provisions to the Measures for the Management of Incentives for CREC’s Scientific and Technological Achievements (《九游会J9官方网站科技成果奖励管理办法》), giving a reward ranging from RMB1 million to RMB3 million to enterprises accredited as national innovation platforms in the year.

  As of December 31, 2020, CREC had established 10 postdoctoral research workstations and three national laboratories including the National Engineering Laboratory for High-speed Railway Construction, the State Key Laboratory for Shield Machine and Boring Technology, and the State Key Laboratory for Health and Safety of Bridge Structures. The group has also set up a National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Digital Rail Transit and 36 provincial-level research and development R&D centers (laboratories). It has 19 nationally approved enterprise technology centers, 107 such centers at the provincial level as well as 20 specialized R&D centers.

  2. Leading technological progress

  In 2020, CREC won a total of six National Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology, one Technological Invention Award, and 345 provincial and ministerial-level science and technology achievement awards. The “shield tunneling machine for tunnel connection and its tunneling method” developed by CREC won the 20th China Patent Gold Award. Three patents, namely “integrated ballastless track,” “hyperboloid ball bearing with anti-lifting beam and anti-falling beam function,” and “a rotatable spoke used for the blade of shield tunneling machine” won the China Patent Excellence Award.

  As of December 31, 2020, the Company won a total of 127 National Science and Technology Progress and Invention Awards, including five Special Awards and 16 First Prizes, 151 Zhan Tianyou Civil Engineering Prizes, and 3,817 Provincial and Ministerial-Level Science and Technology Progress Awards (including nationally recognized awards established by social forces).

  As of December 31, 2020, the Company had 18,586 patents, including 3,969 invention patents and 63 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patents.

  As of December 31, 2020, the Company had developed 166 national-level construction methods and 3,979 provincial and ministerial-level construction methods.

  National Science and Technology Awards in 2020







Technology of high manganese steel used for railway tracks to resist ultra-high stress fatigue and wear and its application


Technological Invention Award


Second Prize



Shield tunnel structure with large deepwater section/functional material preparation and engineering application of complete set of technology


Science & Technology Progress Award


Second Prize



Key technology of safe and efficient tunneling control of TBMs for tunnels (lanes) under deep composite strata


Science & Technology Progress Award


Second Prize



Technology of model III plate-type ballastless track systems for high-speed railways and its application


Science & Technology Progress Award


Second Prize



Key technology of high-strength and high-conductivity contact network wire for highspeed railways and its application


Science & Technology Progress Award


Second Prize



Key technology for construction safety of large engineering machinery for rail transit and its application


Science & Technology Progress Award


Second Prize



Key technology of mechanism, perception, identification, prevention, and control of loess disasters in major projects


Science & Technology Progress Award


Second Prize

  3. Promoting innovative development

  The Company formulated the Opinions on Further Implementing the Spirit of President Xi Jinping’s Important Instruction of “Three Transformations” to Promote Enterprise Innovation and Development. By taking technological innovation as a breakthrough point, innovation management as a guarantee, quality improvement as the fundamental, and brand-building as the goal, the Company goes all out to promote quality change, efficiency change and power change, and strives to create a world-class Chinese brand with Chinese quality. CREC established a research institute on “Three Transformations” to carry out theoretical research on and explore the path and method of promoting “Three Transformations", while speeding up breakthroughs in industrial transformation, technological innovation, quality improvement and brand building. The Study on Recommendations for the Policy of Building a Manufacturing Power for the 14th “Five-Year Plan” Period won the first prize for outstanding papers at the 2020 annual meeting of the Chinese Academy of Management Science, and the “Four Reforms” Promoting the High-quality Development of China’s Manufacturing Industry in the New Era won the first prize for the outstanding achievements of reform and development of Chinese enterprises in 2020.

  In 2020, the Company actively carried out the appraisal and selection of management innovation results, and 85 outstanding results were recognized, 10 of which won the 27th National Enterprise Management Modernization and Innovation Award. 

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