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CREG Exports Large-diameter Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machine to Australia
Source: Date:2021年04月07日

Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”

On March 19, China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd (CREG) delivered Australian business partner large-diameter hard rock tunnel boring machine (TBM), marking Australia’s Snowy Hydro 2.0 project entered shield tunneling stage.

CREG Exports Large-diameter Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machine1

CREG Exports Large-diameter Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machine2

With an evacuation diameter of 11.09 meters and a total length of 137 meters, the TBM is the first large-diameter hard rock tunneling machine China has exported. It will be used for one of the world’s largest cross-region water diversion project in Australia, the Snowy 2.0. After its completion, the existing Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme will have the power generation capacity increase by 50 percent, adding 2,000 MW renewables to the nation’s power market.(By Gao Tianyi)   

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